A while ago joined Pixelfed, and some things really confuse me …

1.) Licenses … on my older posts, the Image shows a content license (like, CC BY-NC-SA), but not on newer ones … there doesn’t seem to be a way to specify a license, or is there?

2.) Followers … some friends joined on other instances, and we followed each other … when I click their profile from MY instance, then I see only myself (seems like they don’t have any other followers on that instance).

If I visit their profile on THEIR instance, I can see they have more followers, but I can’t see the details without logging in (and the account from my instance doesn’t work).

Is that by design?

I can’t even see their profile picture from my instance … my posts seem to show up in their feed though …

3.) I’m using the official app, but I can only see my most recent posts … I made a few posts about a year ago and they don’t show up …

Can someone enlighten me here?

  • Kichae@lemmy.ca
    4 days ago
    1. So, the thing to keep in mind is that “PixelFed” is not a place where you can go to see things. It’s the name of the software that powers a bunch of websites. You’re using a website. That website knows about what is hosted locally. Your friend? They’re using a different website. When you look up their account/ you’re looking up a copy of that account that’s been sent to your website. If things are happening on other websites, your website doesn’t know about any of that, any more than Reddit knows what your friend posted on Facebook.

    The whole fediverse works by requesting remote accounts to send your website a copy of whatever they post. This works like a magazine subscription. Your dentist (the website you’re using) says “please end me Kichae Quarterly” and the publisher sends them a copy every time a new edition is publisbed. When you go for a cleaning, they have a copy of every edition starting at the time their subscription started. They do not have the back catalogue, and they certainly don’t have copies of everyrhing the publisher has received in the mail (comments, favourites, etc.)

    1. Are you using the same server? Which website are you using? If you create an account on a different website, it’s a different website. If it’s the same website, well, storage costs money, and your account was inactive. Maybe they just removed the old posts?