This is not about “the FOSS community”. It doesn’t matter if you developed closed-source or open-source, doesn’t matter if you license your software with AGPL or NULA, if you make a comment that’s seemingly transphobic/misogynistic, people WILL freak out.
The reason you might see this occur more frequently in open-source spaces could be sue to the fact that issue trackers and PRs provide much less filtered responses than corporate social media accounts and blogs.
Obviously the FOSS community has a heavy left wing bias. I personally haven’t heard anything about Proton or Ladybird being controversial outside of Lemmy and Reddit. Clearly It’s not just about transphobia and sexism (which I think is an overreaction). A lot of people in the FOSS community left Proton just because of one positive tweet about Trump (from an Asian immigrant living in Switzerland). I think it’s really unhealthy for the FOSS community to jump ship the second a platform doesn’t share their political opinions.
This is not about “the FOSS community”. It doesn’t matter if you developed closed-source or open-source, doesn’t matter if you license your software with AGPL or NULA, if you make a comment that’s seemingly transphobic/misogynistic, people WILL freak out.
The reason you might see this occur more frequently in open-source spaces could be sue to the fact that issue trackers and PRs provide much less filtered responses than corporate social media accounts and blogs.
Obviously the FOSS community has a heavy left wing bias. I personally haven’t heard anything about Proton or Ladybird being controversial outside of Lemmy and Reddit. Clearly It’s not just about transphobia and sexism (which I think is an overreaction). A lot of people in the FOSS community left Proton just because of one positive tweet about Trump (from an Asian immigrant living in Switzerland). I think it’s really unhealthy for the FOSS community to jump ship the second a platform doesn’t share their political opinions.