IIRC, someone was talking about their p2p text only 4chan clone recently. I forget what it was called though.
Edit: found it.
IIRC, someone was talking about their p2p text only 4chan clone recently. I forget what it was called though.
Edit: found it.
The popo using cybertrucks would really be the cherry on the techno-feudalist hellscape cake.
To be fair, you’re only going to be tortured if you don’t help out like good old Sergey here.
My theory is it’s only a matter of time until the firing sprees generate enough backlog of actual work that isn’t being realised by the minor productivity gains from AI until the investors start asking hard questions.
Maybe this is the start of the bubble bursting.
Probably not even strange to them, it’s just the nature of science journalism these days. If it’s not strange and new, it doesn’t turn eyes, and therefore there’s little incentive to write about it.
Yeah, exactly. If you’re worried about the power draw to host a few hundred KB PDF file, you probably shouldn’t be using Lemmy, because scrolling through your feed probably uses 100x that in energy costs.
You have to remember that the shared hosting or aws, or wherever is going to be cheapest to host a simple website is also going to be very power efficient. Wasting power is just throwing away free money, and if there’s one thing corporations don’t do, it’s throw away free money.
You might enjoy SecScannerQR then. It makes it easier to vet QR codes by giving an option to search for the URL instead of going there directly.
I don’t mind the whole online menu thing. It’s probably an environmental net positive, but it’s bs if they don’t have ANY physical copies for those who can’t or don’t want to for whatever reason.
If they wanted me to install something, though, that’d be a 100% instant nope.
They really did go for the “horror movie about to go very wrong” aesthetic when they made those videos, didn’t they.
Well, you USED to be able to, anyways, but they’ve slowly moved to a less customisable ui. Now you have to use extensions from outside websites to even do simple stuff like have a multi-row tab bar.
Not to mention Firefox seems to break them every year or so.
Also, keep in mind, google has been caught slowing Firefox down in YouTube before. So if you notice any slowness in their services, it’s fair to suspect it might not be Firefox’s fault.
Ahh good, let’s put a bunch of electric heaters into the ocean. This sounds like it’ll help with the ongoing crisis in ocean temperature rise, and certainly won’t have any unforseen consequences.
It seems to not RTFA is a time honoured tradition we’ve carried with us from Slashdot, to reddit, and now to Lemmy.
I like it if it’s really really subtle. Basically the minimum length vibration, which is 2ms on heliboard.
Anything longer, I find annoying.
The company says it’s the thinnest foldable phone at 3.6 millimeters (0.14 inches),
I mean, it better be, otherwise, if its 3x as thick in your pocket, that’s going to be one chonky phone.
3.6 × 3 = 10.8 mm folded. It’s definitely on the thicker side, but not outlandishly so.
I wonder if this has anything to do with Intel’s big snafu with gen 13/14 processors. If the solution was to push a microcode update cuts the voltage to the CPUs, it’s basically a “stealth” nerf. Their spin doctors have been working overtime to frame this as erroneously high voltages that were being “fixed”.
I’d really like to see this graph divided between Intel and AMD.
So when does NetWatch start making the Blackwall?
I mean, couldn’t you just use any of a plethora of other uncensored LLMs from huggingface if you want those sorts of answers?
Same thing with Taylor Swift tickets I guess? I’d imagine it’s because of negative backlash to charging so much. Instead of people being mad at the scalpers, they’d be mad at the retailers.
I’m personally kind of partial to the lottery method for right to buy, since it cuts down on scalpers.
I think I was thinking of plebchan. From what I can tell, it’s based off plebbit, which looks to be the same stack that seedit uses.