I tend to use things like Pixelfed to find people interested in the same hobbies. Mastodon I use more for general nerding out.
I wasn’t intending to criticise your use-case. I don’t know what normal usage patterns look like.
I tend to use things like Pixelfed to find people interested in the same hobbies. Mastodon I use more for general nerding out.
I wasn’t intending to criticise your use-case. I don’t know what normal usage patterns look like.
That sounds lovely but it’s not been my experience of using social media (except Facebook). I’m not suggesting my experience is normal, or that yours is. I genuinely don’t know.
Monolithic as in Twitter, Reddit, Facebook - platforms that do not federate.
Plus I’m yet to run into a single person I actually know IRL on the fedi.
Is that a normal metric for monolithic social media?
Mass adoption did not end well for Earth.
If we’re talking on the phone and you start talking about stuff that I’m not interested in hearing, I’m allowed to hang up.
You can disagree all you want, that doesn’t mean I’m required to listen to you.
As we all know, UI is a fundamental part of any piece of software’s architecture and cannot be changed without a ground-up rewrite.