PCIe to AGP and 12VHPWR to Molex
PCIe to AGP and 12VHPWR to Molex
IDK if people over exaggerate but I honestly had more issues with NVIDIA driver on GTX 1080ti and RTX 3060ti than I had with my RX 6800 XT.
All issues could be mostly resolved with workarounds on both AMD and NVIDIA. The NVIDIA issues were actually more annoying as I had issues outside of games.
In conclusion, all GPU vendors have issues. NVIDIA is not the perfect guy, people just learned to ignore their issue or work around them.
Every time you need to use a Snap application half of your data will randomly disappear
I’ve never used fractional scaling but it’s obvious you don’t understand that it’s not about resolution but about screen size+resolution. On small displays with big resulutions like modern laptops a fractional scaling is absolutely essential unless you want to squint your eyes even with 20/20 vision.
I’m still waiting for ThanosLinux that’s based on Ubuntu and only uses Snaps.
It would. At least we’ve go Photopea which can cover most needs. Probably still not a viable alternative for professionals… depending on what you need to do.
Not yet but I’d at least narrow it down to Arch and Fedora. I don’t think either of those is a bad choice.
Guess I wont stop then. Kids crossing the road? Too bad, I don’t wanna see the ads just because you have to get to the other side…
You can draw sound waves with grease pencil so it should be possible