Inkjet is great, for photo printing regularly. For absolutely every other situation a laser printer is better.
Inkjet is great, for photo printing regularly. For absolutely every other situation a laser printer is better.
Correction, LLMs being used to automate shit doesn’t generate any value. The underlying AI technology is generating tons of value.
AlphaFold 2 has advanced biochemistry research in protein folding by multiple decades in just a couple years, taking us from 150,000 known protein structures to 200 Million in a year.
WTF is a Chegg?
What the fuck are they paying for? A shitty ChatGPT frontend and crap hardware no one actually wants?
Who the fuck is approving that purchase over at HP? I knew they weren’t particularly smart over there, but holy shit, that’s straight up brain damage levels of decision.
Lots of apps are able to interact with your text messages. Many apps are able to intercept one time passcode messages when registering accounts for instance.
It’s also not weird to separate this if they intend for it to be able to be used in other areas as well.
Just because it may be used only by Messages right now, doesn’t mean that it’s intended to only be used there.
Possibly, but none of those bought judges matter unless it ends up in their specific court. That’s why they’ve been trying to install as many of their own as possible.
You just know that’s going to be exhibit 1 for the defense.
Fucking fascist Nazi man baby doesn’t like when advertisers do what he tells them, and then continues to do so when he realizes that was a bad idea.
Nvidia doesn’t give a shit about gamers anymore. The incremental improvements are a side effect. This is why they’re so focused on software enhancements instead like DLSS now. It gives them the marketing numbers without having to do the hardware improvements for gaming.
Their bread and butter now is AI, and large scale machine learning. Where businesses are buying thousands of cards at a time. It’s also why they’re so stingy with VRAM on their cards, large amounts on VRAM are not as necessary for most workloads outside gaming now, and it saves them millions of dollars every generation.
I mean company backs pro-company party isn’t exactly surprising. You want to not shop at every company that supports Republicans? You’re going to have a hard time finding anywhere to shop in most of the US. Gotta stick to smaller companies, and if you get small enough you’ll get to mom and pop locations where personal votes are the comparison and they’ve voted Republican their entire lives.
And was the second time that window had the ball bearing thrown at it. They’d tested it backstage but didn’t replace that window for the on stage demo, so it was already weakened.