No idea who that is, but an important lesson I learned from Uvalde is the is the unintended consequences of the capitalistic virtue of rugged individualism. Even professional tough guys, when thinking death is on the line, will hesitate.
As a minority in america, when some iteration of the proud boys comes knocking, demanding to see a birth certificate, it is imperative that you get them thinking that there’s a chance that they don’t walk away. Get them thinking, “What about me?” and your chances of survival should increase.
I understand that many will be reticent to threaten another with violence and death, which is perfectly reasonable. However, unfortunately, that is not the reality in which we live. Edit: Formatting, spelling
We are speaking of the same tree, friend, though some roots go deeper than others. I think the path down the road you mentioned diverges here. I believe there was ill intent behind this, though I cannot offer any proof.