I happened across this tool to help you create configs, it looks pretty good, easier than piecing together all the parameters separately: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tools/nginx
Seems like it has directions for certbot and generating dhparams, etc. as well.
To start small setup a static website behind nginx. This requires you to create a basic website or copy a template, it goes somewhere in your filesystem, in linux /var/www is common. Once you have that, setup the nginx service and point it to that location. You can do this locally then expose it to the net or put on a VPS. Here is a dead simple guide presuming you have a remote server: https://dev.to/starcc/how-to-deploy-a-simple-website-with-nginx-a-comically-easy-guide-202g
Once you have that covered, ensure you know how to setup ssh keys and such, then install, configure, and run services. From there, most things are easy outside of overly complicated configurations.