How dare you call me a pedon, I am a PEON.
People these days have no respect.
How dare you call me a pedon, I am a PEON.
People these days have no respect.
Their company motto used to be “Evil is subjective unless it is done to us at which point it is wrong” but that was considered a little tooooo on the nose so they took it down.
A volon is the up-quark subatomic violin particle for anyone who is unfamiliar.
That violin is too damn big
Damn that must be a pain to drag around all that fucking loot
Bluesky has a serious marketing budget and a virtual “get out of having to back up unrealistic promises” pass for tech in interviews (everyone just accepts they are going to decentralize when it makes zero sense from a business perspective).
Well the openstreetmap community aren’t employed by a bunch of hacks perching on a tower of cardboard held together by a failing scheme of duck tape that nobody left after all the layoffs and enshittification knows how to repair, so that makes sense : )
Has PixelFed done something different that Mastodon hasn’t?
On this topic I just want to point out the microblog format with twitter even BEFORE musk bought it had gotten very cold, harsh and toxic.
As a result the most positive thing you can say about people’s feelings about microblogging is that they are bored of it (in terms of it having inspiring potential) even if they use it daily themselves and like it.
I don’t think that is fair to mastodon or microblogging, it is just how the ships happened to sink as they crashed into the reef.
I say this all to emphasize that it is ok for mastodon not to get hit by massive hypecycles. Mastodon is useful and awesome, if people see it is as boring I say let that be a compliment because that means people are beginning to slowly trust the medium again.
Twitter/musk made people REALLY sad about microblogging and it is going to take time for people to get excited about it again like they do for the 'grams and the 'toks.
Hi James Joyce here, what did you all say you were up to?
I think tutanota (now tuta) is pretty decent.
Someone feel free to correct if I missed something bad about them.
The gulf of mexico vs gulf of america thread on the Open Street Map forum is interesting and worth a read.
Don’t let ANYBODY ever call you a pleb, I know and you know that in your heart you are a pedon.
Raises mud clump in solidarity