codium > code
The full name is VScodium.
Codium is a genus of edible green macroalgae.
That sounds tasty, where do I buy it?
(In homer Simpsons voice) Mmmmmm. Macroalgae.
laughs in Emacs
If Vim is so good, then why can’t you browse Lemmy from it?
This meme was made by the Emacs gang.
Because unlike emacs gang, we don’t need to build an OS to browse Lemmy.
How bout you go back and let your friends know that if they’re in need of a good editor, try Vim ;)
Vim needs are met by using Evil-Mode. You don’t have to leave Emacs for this.
As a poke at Emacs’ creeping featurism, vi advocates have been known to describe Emacs as “a great operating system, lacking only a decent editor”.
My professor was always trying to get us to use vim or eMacs over an IDE to write our C programs. I’m sorry, I like using a mouse. I know, I know, blasphemy. I’m taking a shortcut. I’m a noob.
When I absolutely have to, I go for vim, mostly because I know a few of the key bindings for it, but otherwise avoid it.
I’m taking a shortcut
more like a longcut. I save so much time and effort not having to switch my right hand between the mouse and keyboard constantly
I keep my hands on my laptop and use my thumb on the track pad. My hands don’t leave the keyboard. I actually never use extra mice or extra keyboards.
track pad
it’s okay, we’re gonna make a plan and get you to safety. Pretend you’re ordering a pizza. How many people are currently holding you captive?
Go away
Me but in reverse
The comparison is bad. It’s more like comparing a kind of crappy car to a nice unicycle once you factor in UX. Not everyone likes to punch in key combinations so complicated it’s making game cheats look simple in comparison.